There I was in the summer sunshine, standing on the front porch of the house I grew up in, clutching a microphone, and fielding questions from a crowd of about seventy.
Lots of friends from my childhood and schooldays, plus welcome new faces. What an experience, and what great questions - such as did I like my lead character (no, not really, but she suffered from a psychiatric condition and gets nicer as the novel goes on), and was I a stalker too? (A definite no!)
The event was all thanks to my brother and sister in law, and an old school friend. Together they organised everything, including liaising with The Page and Post, Geraldine’s local independent book shop who handled sales on the day, and stock copies in their shop.
I remain amazed by the support and generosity of so many people, and by their kind comments, and was blown away by the front page coverage on the weekly Geraldine News (